
A procedure of the upper or lower eyelids for a refreshed brighter facial expression


Ageing of the upper and lower eyelids can lead to both functional and aesthetic concerns. Functionally, excess heavy upper eyelid skin can obscure part of the visual field which blocks vision at certain gazes.  As a result, more effort is needed to raise the upper lid leading to muscle strain as well as overactivity of the brow in order to try to compensate.  The aesthetic concern with lower eyelids is usually that of a tired appearance due to heavy puffy eye bags.

Changes to the quality of skin and fat around the eyes as a result of ageing, as well as their redundancy impacts upon the expression one conveys and therefore the tone of communication delivered to others such as that of being grumpy or tired.

A blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids involves removal of excess skin, and sometimes manipulation of fat, both of which may contribute to the functional and aesthetic concerns. In some cases of lower lid “eye bags”, especially in the younger population, fat manipulation without the removal of skin is all that’s needed.

These techniques re establish a freshened natural rejuvenated appearance and reverse any obstructed vision that you may have. Your concerns and findings on close assessment will determine whether a blepharoplasty of your upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both will be the best choice for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will my scars be visible?

An upper eyelid blepharoplasty incision is placed along a natural crease which means over time it becomes less noticeable.  Scars undergo a maturation process that lasts several months. Before a scar fades away it will have a red appearance for up to about 6 months especially on the sides of the eyelids.

For lower eyelid “eye bags” with no significant excess skin, a trans conjunctival incision is used which means no skin incision is made and no scars are visible. This allows the removal of fat contributing to the bulge. When combined with excision of excess skin, an incision is carried out below the lashes of the lower lid. The expected progression and visibility of the scar is similar to the upper eyelid.

What type of anaesthesia do I require and how long will I be in hospital for?

Local anaesthesia by itself is appropriate for most cases.  Sedation is sometimes prudent and will be offered.

How long does the surgery take?

An upper eyelid blepharoplasty takes 30 minutes.  When combined with a reverse brow lift it can take up to an hour. A lower eyelid blepharoplasty takes about 45 minutes depending on the specific technique required.

How long will I take to recover?

Your eyelids will be swollen for the first few weeks. Within one week, once the swelling begins to subside, social activities can be resumed. Normal daily activities can be resumed after one week. More strenuous and sporting activity can be resumed in 2-4 weeks depending on the intensity.


What are the potential risks and complications? Access a detailed surgical procedure information sheet by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons here.